Our Values
MERN represents the community to the formerly incarcerated, and the formerly incarcerated to the community.
MERN employees and volunteers are often formerly incarcerated themselves, and as people who have experienced some success in reintegration, it is important for us to model ourselves in a way that emphasizes the value of reintegration:
To the formerly incarcerated, we demonstrate that it is possible to join society and thrive within its structure. Our success is proof of the possibility of their success, and our happiness is proof that criminal behavior is not the only path to prosperity.
To the community, we demonstrate that it is possible for people who have practiced criminal behavior to change our thinking and embrace society's rules. Our contributions to our communities in Maine show that people who have been incarcerated are not without something to offer, and that giving them a chance can lead to betterment of all Mainers.
We are, of course, not perfect, and our example will sometimes fall short with both groups. Which is why...
Trusting in the process and learning from each other and from our mistakes spark innovative strategies.
When we make mistakes, we own them. Progress is a marathon, not a sprint, and there will always be setbacks. It is important that we offer each other support and understanding, and the willingness to keep trying.
Tenacity and persistence drive progress and innovation. Success can still happen within the unknown or within difficult situations. We don’t always need to have all the answers to have a positive impact – sometimes it happens all on its own. Sometimes you need to just dive in and keep trying.
All of our experiences - the good, the bad, the ugly and the happy - drive interactions both within the organization and within its larger network of partners. Our lived experiences with criminal behavior don't need to define us, but CAN help us make a positive impact for others.
Success means no client of the Maine Reentry Network ever feels that they have nowhere to turn.
Not everyone who comes through our doors will refrain from crossing legal boundaries. Some just aren't ready to give up what they know; others just find themselves caught up in their anxiety and fear and it leads them to make bad decisions in the heat of a moment. Eliminating that completely is, frankly, an unrealistic goal.
But what we CAN accomplish is making sure that everyone who works with us knows that they are not going through their reentry alone; that if they need someone to brainstorm with them or just listen to them, we're here for that. We are NOT mandated reporters; just as people need the freedom to admit relapse to their supports in order to assist in recovery from substance use disorder, we provide the freedom to admit new criminal behavior in order to help discuss why the behavior came about, what other choices could have been made in the moment, and why the behavior should stop. (Note, however, that while it is our policy never to report anything we hear when engaging with clients, we have no legal claim to confidentiality if we are subpoenaed.)
Teamwork makes the dream work.
Sharing collective team knowledge and experiences is a daily process that promotes a team approach to everything (e.g., working with clients, making decisions, etc.). Each person's skills, perspectives, and philosophies contribute to our overall mission. There is a space at MERN for everyone’s perspectives.
Collaboration and coordination with one another and with diverse partners break down silos and barriers to success.
A victory for any individual Mainer is a victory for Maine.
We're all in this together, and everyone has difficulties and challenges to face in life - very often challenges that we impose on ourselves with bad life choices. Being formerly incarcerated is not unique in that respect; every single person reading this can identify a time in life where they made a choice that wound up making things a lot harder than they needed to be.
Everyone can also identify with the idea of moving forward and evolving into the best possible versions of ourselves. By helping one another achieve that goal, we gain so much more than just the reward of helping our fellow human (although that is significant in itself). Every formerly incarcerated person who succeeds after reentry means less expense for the state in incarceration costs and more revenue for the state from another faithful taxpayer; it's another person combatting our labor shortages, another person potentially raising a family to help solve those shortages long-term. It's another person standing with us, making all of our lives just a little bit better through their positive contributions.