In late 2021, the Maine Reentry Network took primary responsibility for the creation of a recovery center in the state capital, adding our reentry mission in recognition of the immense overlap between substance use disorder and criminal behavior.
The project has its own website here.
Our signature program, MERN personnel meet with people incarcerated in state or federal prison who intend to settle in Maine after incarceration. We connect them with third-party resources and offer them the benefits of our own experience with what works and what doesn't in reintegration.
Click here for more details.
In August of 2023, the Maine Reentry Network agreed to attempt a pilot program to see if our peer support initiatives work as well for family recovery as they do for our prison reintegration and treatment court projects.
Click here for more details.
MERN Supervisors sit on multidisciplinary teams at the court level, bringing the lived experience perspective to the judge and other team members, while front line peer supports offer guidance and insight with court participants as they navigate the program.
Click here for more details.
Maine CDC Programs
MERN has partnered with the Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on a number of projects over the years, including a mammogram education program in the Southern Maine Womens' Reentry Center, a drug disposal awareness campaign at our summer event in 2023, and a collaboration to discuss possible approaches to violence in the wake of the Lewiston shooting that year.
Planning Grant
Planning Grant
As we continue to grow and develop, we are learning how to make best use of volunteer support. Thanks to a generous planning grant from Volunteer Maine, we are exploring the possibility of creating an Americorps program to enhance our volunteer services.